Mystical Empowerment
Services By Tina Jackson

Healing Modalities
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Antique Tea Leaf Readings
Enjoy a loose leaf cup of tea with the smell of a sweet aroma, as you stir and sip, your energy connects with the antique cup and reveles a story of things that are affecting you. It shows you what area of your life is sensitive, and what to watch out for, to make your life better.
$45 for 30min

In Depth Card Readings
Dive into the world of connecting to your guides and mystical helpers, through storytelling, as messages are relayed. Cards are pulled with intuitive guidence, making you aware of whats needed to enrich your life. Becoming aware of things that are harming you, and how to change obstacles into speed bumps instead of brick walls. Many signs come through from loved ones, and often your guardians.
$75 for 1&1/2 hrs
Simply a fast and expressive version of the Intuitive guidance within this Mini Card Reading. I pull from variety of card decks during the sessions, or you may choose a specific genre such as Angels, Animals, Star Beings, Faries, Crystals, Essential oils , and so on, just like all other of my card readings.
$45 for 30 min

Mini Card Reading

~Tea Leaf & Mini Card Reading
1HR $65 (SAVES $20)
~2@ Once In Depth Card
1 1/2HR #130 (saves $20)
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Reiki works because it connects to the Universal Life Force energy with the body's innate power of healing !
As a long time Reiki master I work as a connection rod and join with these energies bringing them into, over and through you allowing for deep healing on many levels for mind, body and soul.
Able to do hands off OR hands on your choice
All sessions come with reiki but I do offer it by itself
1/2hr $40 1hr $70
3 sessions booked=$60 each $180 (4=$230)
*1st session-gets the body used to the energy vibration
*2nd session opens up your inner closets and gets them ready to do spring cleaning
*3rd session- clears and cleans your body re-balancing everything
*4th session-final touch up and deep deep relaxation& healing

Enjoy The Many Benifits of Reiki & Feel How Wonderful It is to have this Amazing energy flow through you clearing out stuck energies and helping you to be energized and promote self healing on all levels! Give yourself the gift of healing!"
Did you know that most animals soak up all the junk from the humans they love as they try to help them feel better. They definatly need cleared from all the stuff they soaked up! The good news is that Animals respond to reiki much faster then humans and often they clear of 5x faster and LOVE to have it done most often they come towards it to get some!
My horses look like they are going to fall asleep, my kitties purrr like crazy, and my dogs must be included if a session is going on nearby! Even the birds start singing like crazy as they enjoy the energy of it.
I have done many hands on but also alot of distant sessions with a photo to help critters who were ill, or to just treat them with prevention sessions for your critters you love.
1/2hr $20 1hr $50

You would be Amazed how well Reiki works with All Plants and any living thing really.
I did it regularly in the organic greenhouse and it heled them grow faster stonger and healthier it even helped to keep down the bugs that wanted to eat them. Often when starting to see energy fields you can see the auras around plants more easily they respond well to a reiki session .
1/2hr $20 1hr $50
Aura Wash
Normally a lovely aura wash is done with my In depth chakra clearing and cord cutting & Aura patching, or the
"All Is One Session".
However it is possible to get an aura wash done on it's own clearing out energies of other people & stuck emotions and energies, as well asplaces you have been.
1/2hr $25

Chakra Clearing
All of your Emotions are Powerful and throughout your life they can get stuck in your energy centers called your chakras. If your Chakras become clogged a physical ailment sets in affecting your mental health & wellbeing.
With Ease and Grace I release anything no longer benificaial from the cellular memory, while I gently wash and clear out these chakras including the Earth Star below your feet Allowing for deeper connection to Gia in turn reducing brain fog, stress, over stimulation and feelings of disconnection. I energetically wash out the feet, ankles, knees and hips to allow the rest of the energy centers to drain propperly. Think of it like a pipe if stagnent items ait for to long it gets clogged and needs cleard out in a similar fashion I give your body a much needed oil change to Fell Revived Refreshed and Rejuvinated
Mini Quick Rejuvination (1-2 chakras centers)
$15min ~$15 30min $30
In Depth Chakra Clearing Cord Cutting, Aura Wash $80 60 min
$95 (90min)

Ever Feel Weird Pains In Odd Places? Ever Feel Extremely Drained and not know why... Ever Have odd thoughts that are not your norm and wonder where that energy was coming from?? Ever have strange feelings or emotions after being in large groups of people or places with lots of old energies??
Often our energy gets attatchments from people places things and environments

I Energetically Cut and Ground Toxic Energy Cords from other places, people and things. I lovingly release any you have attatched to othersa as well and state that only cords of loveing energy are allowed to remain so that you are no longer being drained or overloaded.
This process is best accompanied by a Aura Wash & Patching with Chakra Clearing.
By itself $35 for 30min
Cord Cutting
Did You know that a romantic partners energy cords can stay attatched to you draining energy for up to 30 years. I have even released ones from cellular memory of past life connections!

As I Do my sessions Angels and other Divine love and light beings come through with messages and healing energies that are often unique for each individual providing profound deep healing on many levels through all lifetimes.
With my All Is One session or Chakra Clearings the angels create sacred space while helping defragment the brain so it stops continuing on the hamster wheel, while gently letting go of the ego mind and realigning with the purness of unconditional self love and universal Divine Love Healing energies Empowering you for Deep Self Healing
Connecting To Divine Helpers Spiritual Guidance $30 1/2hr
Entity Removal/ Release
Many people have a variety of entity/spirit attatchments from a variety of places. They get even more when you do party activities. Ever been around someone when poof a totally different personality emerges... these beings play on that and drain our energies, I simply release them and cross them over with the help of the angels and other mystical beings. If we are not clearing regulary and shielding ourselves from them attatching. they may attatch when our energies are low, have a physical injury or holes in our energy fields/aura. Causing Aches and Pains, Cloudy Brain,Lack of Energy ect.
$80 1hr

You Will Be AMAZED at What Comes out of your Feet and how it Makes you FEEL!
Our Feet are connected to everything so with my Commercial grade device it goes deep then most reg devices & pulls out toxins from the body, clears stuck items out of other areas. I have had clients report it relieving aches and pains, sore legs/feet, weird pains in the stomach. Time to Try it for yourself and I left the cost Very reasonable so more people can use it for healing themselves